An understandable response to what's going on in Canada is, "It's Canada, who cares?" But it's not often we get Jordan Peterson beefing with our favorite walking pile of soy and hair goop, Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau. Plus this involves free speech on the internet, and any leftist law anywhere is at risk of finding its way here if Joe Biden gets an executive order and a pen handed to him.
At issue is Bill C-10, aimed at imposing regulations on social media companies. Critics are concerned it could lead to the government regulating social media content. CTV, which is run by the government, says it's more nuanced than that. Dr. Peterson took issue with a Canadian minister (it doesn't matter what his name is since he's Canadian) saying Bill C-10 could regulate online content if the account has a large enough following. Peterson is both Canadian AND has a sizeable social media footprint, so you can imagine his problem with this.
Only instead of going after Minister It Doesn't Matter What Your Name Is, Peterson has his sights on the man pulling the strings. He's got twelve new rules for how Trudeau can suck it.
I have a million more YouTube subscribers than our national broadcaster CBC. So does that make me a broadcaster to be regulated by Trudeau's pathetic minions? Or does it just indicate that CBC is a failure, despite the fortune it takes in in public subsidy?
Just try and regulate my YouTube channel and see what happens Justin Trudeau.
Peterson first gained notoriety battling the Canadian government over free speech. Canada mandated all Canadians must refer to transgender individuals by their preferred pronouns, or else! Peterson, while happy to refer to you by whatever you want to be referred by just because he's a nice guy, took issue with a government thinking it could compel your speech. Today it's pronouns, tomorrow it's a law against mocking Trudeau when he cries. It was this act of civil disobedience that made Jordan Peterson a hero to many and a pariah to anyone slightly left of Karl Marx.
Let's see when Trudeau finds out if he does indeed f*ck around. I can easily see Peterson packing up the family and taking his talents to America. Just one piece of advice, because his buddy Joe Rogan might try to lure him to the Lone Star State. Don't be fooled, most of Texas is ugly AF and it's not as "free" as advertised. The professor should check out Florida. The weather is nicer, and I'm sure Peterson and Ron DeSantis would get along swimmingly.
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Jordan Peterson on Personality and Intelligence (2018) | Crowder Classics