YouTuber Mikhaila Peterson just had her account suspended for three months. No one is sure why. Considering most of her videos are diet and nutrition based and not particularly controversial. Unless your a vegan and then everything is a controversy.
Only the engineering nerds at YouTube know for sure. Though, we can venture a guess.
— (@)
Now, there's a lot of open-ended questions. That of course, YouTube doesn't give you answers without getting a half-Asian lawyer involved. We've seen this story before.
YouTube: We're suspending you.
Creator: What did I do?
YouTube: We're not going to tell you.
Creator: Can you at least tell me which video?
YouTube: New You Tube, who dis?
Could she have been mass reported by leftists angry at her father (see Jordan Peterson Responds to Petulant SJW Demanding a Debate. It’s Spectacular! and VIDEO: Jordan Peterson Throws Down on Collectivists and Identity Politics)? It's not outside of the realm of possibility that liberals would go after someone's daughter. It could also be angry vegans upset about the Carnivore Diet. Vegans are too weak to go lift weights or exercise. Hate trolling is all they have.
Whatever the reason, that Peterson wasn't given one is the main reason YouTube sucks so much ass. It's why we have MugClub. YouTube can make up whatever rules they want. You know, private businesses and the free market and all that. YouTube has also made it clear what opinions are acceptable to them and which aren't.
This is why we need our own platform. And why we have one.