I don't understand the outrage against Jordan Peterson (see Jordan Peterson Takes Reporter to School on Government Mandated Speech and SJWs Try to Shut Down Jordan Peterson at Queens University). It's like getting triggered by Kermit the Frog. Only instead of being a frog who can sing and dance, he offers lectures on living your best life. Starting with such innocuous advice as "make your bed." Yet to progressives, he's a cross between Literally Hitler and the people who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. Even though many of them leave their carts in the parking lot. We see you.
Joe Rogan asked Peterson why he thought he was so polarizing. Much like one of my other favorite Canadians, the professor went all Wolvie-beszerk style.
In the most mild-mannered way possible.
I don't like the collectivists. I think they are unbelievably dangerous. And I have reason to believe that. I think that when push comes to shove, if your unit of analysis is the group and your worldview is one group and it's power claims over other groups, that's not acceptable. It's tribalism of the worst form. And it will lead to nothing but mayhem and disaster. And part of the reason you're doing it isn't because you're compassionate. It's because you're envious and you don't want to take responsibility for your own life. And I'm calling you on it.
What did I tell you?
The Intellectual Dark Web is the X-Men of smart people. The analogy makes sense. Though one could argue Professor Peterson is more Charles Xavier.
Around these parts, we see tribalism all the time. Tribalism isn't just a leftist issue. It's quite equal opportunity in nature. However the identity politics wing of tribalism, where people identify themselves first and foremost by their victim group, lies primarily on the left. They collectively bargain against anyone who promotes the rights of the individual. Specifically those rights outlined in the Bill of Rights, like the freedom to say whatever one wants (thus offending the group), the freedom to believe in a higher power other than government, the right to defend oneself from harm, tyranny, the mob, tragic hygiene, et cetera.
Collectivists are generally weak people who require the power of the mob to fight on their behalf. It really is that simple. It really is that black and white. Even uttering "you're weak, that's why you're in the mob" will trigger the entire mob to revolt. We've seen it with Crowder Confronts. Peterson is right to combat it, point it out, and offer alternatives to the insidious nature of the bullying crowds.
America is built on the rights of individuals. Which is why it's superior to every other country: