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WATCH: What Would Jordan Peterson Say to Justin Trudeau?


Jordan Peterson vs Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau. Our favorite Canadian (who doesn't sign our paychecks) vs our least favorite Chanucklehead. Peterson was asked what he would say to that walking pile of soy and hair product. His answer was a lot more thoughtful than ours would be. Which is why we admire him. And his class.

Hence the awkward silence as Peterson pondered his answer. I can't be the only one who expected a set up to a joke.

Consider the possibility that [Trudeau's] emphasis on tribal inequality, might... if there's any possibility that he can see anyways that that can do more harm than good.

I kinda don't think the thought has ever crossed Pretty Boy's mind (see Video: Owen Benjamin Mocks Justin Trudeau Over His ‘Peoplekind’ Comments and Proud Feminist Justin Trudeau Shames His Own Sons for Toxic ‘Masculine’ Nature). But to be fair, how many thoughts are capable of crossing that minefield of hair gel?

The professor continues...

Because my sense is the idea that harm may come out of that isn't any idea that's ever been considered. I certainly don't see that in our provincial government, for example. I see the initial low-resolution act of dividing people into their tribal groups in that manner is something that can do nothing but bare evil fruit in the long run. And the people who do that think, "No, that's the way we're going to restore historical inequities." It's useful if you have a theory to think through the worst possible consequences of its application.

I read something similar this morning in USA Today:

"If you find your identity in your politics, you’re not going to identify with people who don’t share them."

Trudeau won't ponder it. Because he's so in love with his own sense of importance. Also his stupid face. I can just see him reciting his morning affirmations to his gloriousness. Plucking his brows between self-praises. You are a strong, beautiful man. You are capable. You are special. You are really, really, ridiculously good-looking. Avoid freak-gasoline fight accidents.

Everyone else should ponder the tribalism point, though. Because we are dividing ourselves. We're all guilty of it to some extent, don't mistake this as an excuse. But the identity politics thing really took hold during Obama's term as the unifier in chief. As Owen Benjamin points out here. Politics really isn't everything. We can find common ground outside of stupid politics.


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